Release lifecycle management with Helm

Ariel Viñas
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2021


Have helm take care of the entire release lifecycle of our application.

When releasing a new version to production, not always but mostly, before being able to start the containers of our new version it is necessary to carry out some preliminary tasks. Not only prior to deployment, sometimes after the version changes it is necessary to perform some additional tasks to ensure the application works as expected. This is why Helm created charts hooks.

Hooks allow you, the chart developer, an opportunity to perform operations at strategic points in a release lifecycle. Hooks work like regular templates, but they have special annotations that cause Helm to utilize them differently. the available annotations are: (ref:

  • pre-installExecutes after templates are rendered, but before any resources are created in Kubernetes
  • post-installExecutes after all resources are loaded into Kubernetes
  • pre-deleteExecutes on a deletion request before any resources are deleted from Kubernetes
  • post-deleteExecutes on a deletion request after all of the release's resources have been deleted
  • pre-upgradeExecutes on an upgrade request after templates are rendered, but before any resources are updated
  • post-upgradeExecutes on an upgrade request after all resources have been upgraded
  • pre-rollbackExecutes on a rollback request after templates are rendered, but before any resources are rolled back
  • post-rollbackExecutes on a rollback request after all resources have been modified
  • testExecutes when the Helm test subcommand is invoked

Writing a Hook

Hooks are just Kubernetes manifest files with special annotations in the metadata section. Because they are template files, you can use all of the normal template features, including reading .Values, .Release, and .Template.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
labels: {{ .Release.Service | quote }} {{ .Release.Name | quote }} {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
# This is what defines this resource as a hook. Without this
# line, the job is considered part of the release.
"": pre-upgrade,pre-install
"": "1"
"": before-hook-creation
name: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
labels: {{ .Release.Service | quote }} {{ .Release.Name | quote }} "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
restartPolicy: Never
- name: db-migrations
image: "myapp:v1.1"
command: ["run","db-migrations"]

What makes this template a hook is the annotation:

"": pre-upgrade,pre-install

This will create a db-migrations job BEFORE upgrading or installing the release for this chart. As soons as the job finishes it will rollout the new version for our application.

Hook weight

It is possible to define a weight for a hook which will help build a deterministic executing order. Weights are defined using the following annotation:

"": "5"

If no weight is set, helm will apply the default value of 0.

Hook deletion policies

It is possible to define policies that determine when to delete corresponding hook resources. Hook deletion policies are defined using the following annotation:

"": before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded

The available annotations are:

  • before-hook-creation: Delete the previous resource before a new hook is launched (default)
  • hook-succeeded: Delete the resource after the hook is successfully executed
  • hook-failed: Delete the resource if the hook failed during execution

If no hook deletion policy annotation is specified, the before-hook-creation behavior applies by default.


Hooks allow chart developers to control the release lifecycle of their applications. This way they can ensure that all the necessary steps for the release to be successful can be implemented in the right order.


Please feel free to join us on Craftech’s community Slack and ask any questions.



Ariel Viñas

Co-founder of Craftech & infrastructure enthusiast!